Antelope Junior High Campus
Antelope Junior High Campus
K-9 Free, Public Charter School Syracuse, Utah
Syracuse Arts Academy believes that a mandatory school dress code policy will provide a more secure school environment, promote an atmosphere for greater discipline, and increase learning opportunities for students by removing many of the distractions and connotations associated with various types of clothing.
All students are required to follow the dress code policy. Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children wear the designated school clothing as outlined below. School administration and professional staff will enforce the Dress Code and assist students who are out of compliance to correct any dress code issues. Dress Code violations may be considered a student discipline issue and may result in disciplinary action up to and including parent contact, in-school suspension, Saturday School or out-of-school suspension.
Dress and grooming standards are part of the SAA dress code policy and are mandatory.
Dress items not specifically listed above but considered inappropriate or contrary to the purpose statement in the School Dress Code Policy are subject to review, interpretation, and final disposition by the school administration
7-9 grade students must change for their P.E. class.
This specific school uniform should be worn for all field trips and other specifically designated occasions.
On Dress Your Way Days and other specified occasions this dress code will be used. Students are still expected to dress in a manner that positively impacts the learning environment. Clothing must be modest, tasteful, and must not compromise safety standards for our students. Students may wear clothing of their choice as long as they are within the guidelines below.
The following clothing will not be permitted:
Coaches, teachers, advisors, or administration may choose to allow teams, groups, clubs, etc. or the general student body to attend school in “Best Dress.” Students are expected to dress up in professional attire such as pants or slacks, dress shirt and tie, a dress, skirt, or dress pants and a blouse.
Inappropriate dress under this policy includes, but is not limited to:
Dress that may be construed as inappropriate under this policy includes, but is not limited to:
A Note on Dance Behavior: Students that exhibit any behavior that is inappropriate or may potentially harm themselves or any student around them may be removed from the dance. Behavior that is considered inappropriate under this policy includes, but is not limited to: vulgar, seductive, or inappropriate movements; “freaking”, freak dancing, grinding; “moshing”, dancing in a “mosh pit”; slamming, where students are violently pushing or shoving others; crowd surfing, passing students overhead or through the crowd and running through or around the dance area etc.
This policy is intended to create a framework to meet the purpose as stated at the beginning of this policy. As styles change, or if questions arise, the school administration, as the Board of Directors’ designee, has the authority to determine if a student’s dress is in keeping with this policy.
Board Approved: 6/17/2022
Dress Code PDF