The Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program (BTSALP) provides arts-integrated instruction to elementary students, effectively increasing student performance in every subject. BTS Arts puts specialists trained in visual art, dance, music and theatre in elementary schools to develop lesson plans that incorporate art. The Utah State Board of Education administers the program statewide, and collaborates with administrators and university staff from Brigham Young University, Dixie State University, Southern Utah University, University of Utah, Utah State University, Weber State University, and Westminster College.
Beverly Taylor Sorenson was instrumental in reinvigorating elementary arts education in Utah. She worked with area schools and led the effort to ensure Utah children have a complete and well-rounded education. Beverley’s mission began when she recognized the severe lack of resources for teacher training in the arts and the lack of legislative funding for school-based arts programs. Through Beverley’s driving influence, arts education in Utah received a significant boost when the Utah State Legislature funded the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts Learning Program, which supports teacher training at colleges and universities all over the state. The program also pays for arts supplies, equipment and materials, and supports ongoing research to ensure quality implementation and results. Beverley’s inspired work continues to impact thousands of bright young minds to this day. For more information, here's the official handbook from the website.
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