Policies & Procedures

Developed & approved by our Board of Directors and administration.

SAA does not discriminate on basis of sex, race, color, national origin, creed, religion, age, marital status, or disability in it's educational programs, activities, or employment policies. 

SAA Civil Rights Policy

Developed by school administration.

Family Handbook

Family Guides

As requested, the USBE Teaching and Learning team have finished resources for use with parents to help them to know the critical knowledge and skills acquired at each grade level/span.  

Families are important partners in achieving the Utah State Board of Education’s vision that “each student is prepared to succeed and lead by having knowledge and skills to learn, engage civically, and lead meaningful lives.” 

The purpose of these resources is to help families better understand what their children should learn, when a child may need more help or when a child would benefit from extra challenges. By using these resources families may find more ways to advance their child’s learning at home while encouraging growth in their communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. 

The resources can be found here.  Please share with your local communities.

Syracuse Arts Academy was approved by the Utah State Charter School Board and the Utah State Board of Education (“USBE”) in 2005. The school charter describes our school’s emphasis and mission.

Please note, the policies and bylaws contained in SAAs original charter application are subject to change by the governing board. See the current SAA Policies and Procedures Manual (above) for the most recent updates.

Syracuse Arts Academy participates in the Utah Student Data Privacy Alliance (USPA).  The USPA is a collaboration of the Utah State Board of Education and Local Education Agencies that share common concerns around student privacy. The goal of the USPA is to set standards of both practice and expectations around student privacy such that all parties involved have a common understanding of expectations. Access our Student Data Privacy Information.

The Teacher and Student Success Act is designated to improve the school's performance under the state's accountability system. 

Funding will be used to support these goals:
  • Syracuse Arts Academy will increase the percentage of 3-6 students at or above benchmark for reading fluency from the beginning to the end of the year by 1%
  • Syracuse Arts Academy will increase the percentage of K-9 students at or above benchmark on accuracy from the beginning to the end of the year by 1%
Funds will be allocated in the following areas based on the budget:
  • 50% Purchase of Intervention Based Reading Materials
  • 25% Teacher/TA Salaries
  • 25% Profession Learning Activities

TItle I Plan

Purpose: A Title I Local Education Agency (LEA) Plan lays out the educational objectives for the district/charter school. These objectives, in turn, serve as goals for the use of funds in the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Title I application. The purpose of this document is to assist LEAs in preparing plans and to facilitate the application approval process in the UT Grants System.

Requirements: Submission of a Title I LEA Plan is required by ESSA. The specifics of the plan are defined in Section 1112. All LEAs requesting Title I federal funding must have an approved Title I LEA Plan on file in the UT Grants System. The State educational agency (SEA) shall approve a LEA’s plan only if the SEA determines that the plan—

  • (i)  provides that schools served under this part substantially help children served under this part meet the challenging State academic standards; and
  • (ii)  meets the requirements of this section.

Here is a copy of the 2021-2022 Title I Plan.

Syracuse Arts Academy is committed to provide access to all website content, services, and transactions to all individuals seeking information from our website. Any individual unable to access any content within this site is strongly encouraged to report the problem to the contact listed below, for assistance in obtaining the information, and to allow for correction of the problem for other users. To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful, please indicate the nature of your accessibility problem, the preferred format in which to receive the material, the name of the document (if applicable), the website address of the requested material, and your contact information.

Please direct all concerns and/or questions about our web accessibility policy to:

Syracuse Arts Academy
ATTN: Reid Newey
357 S 1550 W
Syracuse, UT 84075
(801) 827-0540

About Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) Files

Syracuse Arts Academy is unable to provide alternate text or HTML versions for many of the documents that appear on the website in PDF format. However, it is our intent to make PDF files Section 508 compliant where applicable and possible. We will work with any individual submitting their concern to the contact above to provide any web document or information in an alternate format.

American with Disabilities (ADA) Statement

Syracuse Arts Academy is committed to making http://saacharter.org compliant with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA). At this time we recognize that not all areas of our website may be ADA compliant. We are currently in the process of enhancing website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines.