October 17-18
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Any persons interested and qualified to apply for a position with Syracuse Arts Academy may Apply Online via Teachers-Teachers.com. In addition to submitting a Teachers-Teachers.com resume, you may also send a resume directly to our principals.
For positions available at the Antelope Campus Elementary, please send your resume to Rebecca Okey.
For positions available at the Antelope Campus Jr. High, please send your resume to Wendy Long.
For positions available at the North Campus, please send your resume to Judy Nixon.
Syracuse Arts Academy is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provider. Please read our USDA Non-Discrimination Statement for more information.
Good quality substitute teachers are always needed at both Syracuse Arts Academy campuses to help foster great instruction when teachers are not in the classroom. To be able to work as a substitute teacher, simply express your interest by email to:
Antelope Elementary - email Rebecca Okey at rokey@saacharter.org
Antelope Jr. High - email Wendy Long at wlong@saacharter.org
North Elementary - email Judy Nixon at jnixon@saacharter.org
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